Thanks for this. It reminds me that, way back when, many decades ago, all us kids used to play in the streets (capture the flag was big at the time...) and we used to have neighborhood block parties. (Yes, I'm old.) But I'm heartened that at least one small Cville community (well, one short street on a cul-de-sac) still does those kinds of things. I'm for anything that gets kids outside playing again and neighbors sharing potluck fare together.

I will say that another thing that does get neighbors talking to each other is gardening. When I'm out in my front garden, I get to interact with neighbors and people walking by. My across-the-street neighbor would sit on her front porch and I would go over and sit on the stoop and visit for a while.

And along with better sidewalks in Cville for pedestrians, one thing I long for here is truly protected bike routes in the the City. Oh! And those fabulous bike buses! I'd give anything to see those start up here.

Anyway, cheers for all the meandering thoughts after reading your lovely post.

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Thanks so much, Charlotte, for reading and your thoughts!

Yeah, I think those types of interactions that you're talking about are important! To me, they're first steps towards something greater—towards a point where community intersects with mass participation. That would include actively developing and participating in systems of care for one another, our living spaces, our environment; talking and deliberating possibilities long-term; and more (it's good to have meandering thoughts, haha).

Hope to catch each other safely biking around soon :D

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Eloquently & beautifully put, comrade. Leaning into even deeper community building in this season 🌹

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Thank you so much, brother. Not only have I been learning from and thinking about the content of your posts—especially when you talk about community—I've been learning from your writing style, too! Looking forward to sharing our ideas and paths forward as we lean into it together 🌹

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